Critical Care
Faculty Director: Dr. Frank
The Critical Care mini-fellowship is designed to support and encourage residents in their exploration of critical care medicine. The curriculum is designed for those with a particular interest in critical care medicine and will serve to supplement other parts of the general residency curriculum. Participants of this track may pursue a fellowship in critical care, but any resident with keen interest is welcome.
The curriculum will include:
Didactic sessions focused on critical care topics relevant to emergency medicine, to be scheduled in small groups with EM/CCM faculty.
Journal clubs to review new and landmark literature relating to emergency medicine and critical care. Resident participants of the track will facilitate journal club with supervision from EM/CCM faculty.
Simulations focused on critical care topics will be authored by resident participants of the track and further developed with assistance from simulation faculty.
Committee Membership relevant to critical care is encouraged (e.g. sepsis; stroke; trauma; or code committees)
Elective Rotations will be scheduled during PGY3 year to further supplement the participant’s critical care training.