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Faculty Director: Dr. Apterbach


The administrative mini-fellowship provides participants a longitudinal educational opportunity to develop a foundation and familiarity in the elements necessary to assume leadership roles in both community and academic settings.  Residents will be introduced to the unique administrative challenges encountered in emergency medicine.  The mini-fellowship is an opportunity to develop a background in areas such as administrative leadership characteristics, operations, finance, staffing, risk management, quality improvement, throughput, and information technology.


Southside Hospital and Northwell Health provide a unique experience in which to learn about departmental leadership.  The mini-fellowship consists of monthly meetings with the faculty director that focus on specific areas of management and current literature.  During the first year, residents will develop a foundation in management science, finance in medicine, and quality assurance.  The second year will focus on quality improvement and staffing with the resident developing a quality improvement project to be enacted in the department and monitored using the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) methodology.  This project may cross over with other mini-fellowship areas of expertise and inter-fellowship participation is encouraged.  The final year will focus on risk management and leadership style.  The PDSA project enacted in the second year will be reviewed for adoption in the Department.  Residents are encouraged to design a study in their final two years with the goal of presentation or publication and attend the annual NY ACEP ED Directors Forum.

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